


現今世界紡織品市場興旺發達,各國爭相將富有本國特色的紡織品展示於世人,競爭越來越激烈。貴國的紡織品聞名遐爾。若果貴國能將這品牌加入新的特色,以一種嶄新的面貌推出市場,將是一種多 麽好的事!



World Brand

Nowadays the global textile market is flourishing. Various countries try their best to show their textile with particular characteristics. The competition is fiercer and fiercer. Textile of your country has been famous so far. If you add some new characteristic, how fantastic it will be for you to show your new textile!

Loksion is able to help you! It can make all surface materials feel soft, like the wooden. It can make color of surface materials pretty bright and fresh. Textile feels pretty fresh without any foul smell. Loksion completely reaches the standards of textile in the 21st century. Once your customers feel your textile, they will feel it soft as silk immediately and they can not wait to buy your textile. At that time, your textile will lead the direction of global textile trend stably.




廠商若有任何洗水的問題, 我們必能予以滿意解決, 費用從廉.

生產商: 禾森潤達有限公司

聯絡人: 吳艷華小姐

地址: 香港九龍灣啟興道2號太平洋貿易中心15樓37室

電話: (852) 2757 3598

傳真: (852) 2757 3369

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